Arby 'n' the Chief Wiki

As we all know, the original ending(s) of Mass Effect 3 sucked. We ALL know this after the outrage and controversy spurred from gamers, forums, and beyond. After the Extended Cut, it seemed that the endings of ME3 became "so last month", and the topic of it slowly got buried in more news.

Now, it seems, that a curse has arisen from Mass Effect 3, and has claimed another great franchise.

Assassin's Creed III, according to many, has an ending that is reportedly worse than Mass Effect 3's. Let's just say that I have seen the ending unfortunately, and... the rumors and reports are in fact, true. The ending blows. Now, I'm not going to spoil anything, but let's just say that any fans of the series are going to be very disappointed.

All I'm gonna say...

P.S. HOORAY FOR BAD ENDINGS 2012! *derpface*

- XG
